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BrightLocal Local Search Rank Checker

BrightLocal is a platform built for local marketing activity. One of its products helps you with local SEO by tracking local search results. This article reviews BrightLocal local SEO solution and compares it with SEOBrowse.

Local SEO with BrightLocal

BrighLocal's platform offers many features targetted to help search professionals with local SEO. At its core BrighLocal offers a keyword tracker, with local extra's like Google My Business analysis and link/citation analysis.

The dashboard interface is clean, but feels a bit dated. The graphs are clear, and it is easy to start tracking local keywords. Watch these quick start videos.

It is unclear how they guarantee true local search results, but given their focus on `local` you can assume this is handled in the backend.

There is a free trial. Unfortunately the basic plan comes with only support for 3 locations, and the price increases the more locations you need, increasing your costs fast.

BrightLocal vs SEOBrowse

BrightLocal brings in a whole set of features for local SEO. But also many features that you might not need for local or international SERP analysis.

SEOBrowse will help you to digg deeper for your technical or local audit, and focusses more on the visual SERP then specific keyword ranking positions.


BrightLocal is a good fit if you are looking for a rank checker that is built around local SEO. Especially for companies with physicial presence this works great. But beyond physicical stores, like multilangual, localized websites, BrightLocal will crack. SEOBrowse is more flexible not only looks at a local keyword, but helps you expose technical local SEO issues, like local landingpages (hreflang) and issues.

So if you are looking for a SEO rank cheker, and are ready to spend over $10/month/location go with BrightLocal, else choose SEOBrowse which offers a better solution for more in-depth local SEO analysis.

Posted by Yvo Schaap on 17 april 2020

Also check these reviews of Unamo, MobileMoxie, Oxylabs and BrightLocal.

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